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Alliance Française de Banjul is delighted to welcome artist Sophie Bazin, also known as Mary-des Ailes. In residence for several weeks in January, the visual artist and publisher will devote herself to the creation of a children’s storybook with a very interesting twist: it’s bilingual! Translated from Mandinka into French, this creation builds bridges between cultures, enabling youngsters to develop their imaginations.

In order to produce this work, several preliminary stages are necessary. Ahead of the artist’s visit, a call was launched to collect several Mandinka tales from local people. In the end, Mr. Ebrima Sanneh’s text was the one chosen as the basis for the work.

Sophie Bazin will then use this text to run workshops in local schools. These workshops will offer children the opportunity to contribute to the illustrations of the tale, thus fostering artistic expression within the community. This initiative will also include collaboration with a French school, further enriching the project by promoting educational and cultural exchanges between the two nations.

Drawing on her experience with the Dodo Vole publishing house, specialists in bilingual storytelling, Sophie Bazin brings her expertise to this project, highlighting the cultural richness of The Gambia through children’s literature.

Stay up to date about this artistic residency at the Alliance Française de Banjul, an adventure that celebrates creativity, intercultural sharing and artistic education.

Editions Dodo Vole : https://descontesenpartage.blogspot.com/

Catalogue de contes bilingues : https://www.calameo.com/read/0029093917cfaf31891ae

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