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Bigger Than Us, by Flore Vasseur

Synopsis: At 18, Melati has been fighting for six years against the plastic pollution devastating her native Indonesia. Like her, a new generation is mobilizing to repair our world. From the favelas of Rio to the villages of Malawi, from the shores of Lesbos to the mountains of Colorado, she sets out to meet young activists like Rene, Mary, Xiu, Memory, Mohamad, and Winnie. Whether it’s for human rights, climate action, freedom of expression, social justice, access to education, or food security, these young people are committed to their causes, sometimes risking their lives. Their stories testify to the beauty of courage, joy, and dedication to something greater than themselves. In a world that seems broken, this new generation shows us the way forward and redefines what it means to exist today.

From environmental protection to human rights, these inspiring young people are fighting for a better future despite significant challenges. Their stories demonstrate the power of courage, commitment, and hope in the face of global adversity.

Practical information:

📆 Thursday 5th December 2024
⏰ 8pm
👉 Outdoor Theater
💰 Free of charge
🔠  French with english subtitles

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